[Acpc-l] Research position at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria

Martin Hitz martin.hitz@uni-klu.ac.at
Mon, 07 Aug 2000 23:33:03 +0200

The Department of Informatics Systems of the University of Klagenfurt,
Austria, invites applications for a full-time tenure track research 
position at the University Assistant level ("Universitätsassistent") 
in the Interactive Systems group starting November 1st, 2000. 

Applicants are expected to contribute to teaching and research.

Candidates holding a master´s degree in computer science (Ph.D.
preferred) who are knowledgable in software development and 
interested in one or more of the following areas are encouraged to 

o User interface design
o Usability engineering
o Innovative interaction mechanisms
o Multimedia user interfaces
o Software engineering issues pertinent to interactive systems
o Programming issues pertinent to interactive systems

Language skills: German and English (applicants are expected to 
develop working knowledge in German - especially in the context of 
teaching - within reasonable time).

The University Campus is situated in walking distance to one of the most
famous lakes in Austria (Wörthersee), close to the Slovenian and Italian
borders, in a picturesque Alpine area.

Applications are due by September 15, 2000.
Submission address:

        Universität Klagenfurt
        Zentrale Verwaltung, Büro des Universitätsdirektors
        Universitätsstraße 65-67
        A-9020 Klagenfurt

(applications by electronic mail directed to
will be accepted also)

The university is committed to increasing its female staff; in case of 
equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.

For information, contact: Martin.Hitz@uni-klu.ac.at.
The official announcement in German can be found at 