[Acpc-l] [SPAM?] [LOW] Fw: block your boyfriend's snooping

Gina Benton Cookpjo@263.sina.com
Fri, 17 Oct 2003 06:39:45 -0100

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<strong> <a href=3D"http://oat.killadwarecompany.com">Time Magazine  Digit=
al:</a> </strong><br> 
Spyware is the leading cause for PC failure and hard drive corruption.<br>=

These malicious code and scripts compromise your privacy and lead to ident=
ity theft . <br>
<strong>Please <a href=3D"http://backstitch.killadwarecompany.com">scan</a=
> your computer now</strong><br>
</b> <STRONG>
<A HREF=3D"http://agamemnon.killadwarecompany.com/discon">*r*e*l*e*a*s*e</=
<BGSOUND src=3D"
bronchial curriculamoriarty fief uptakemadsen  
ku bushavert acropolis sambaacceptant  
deny balefulboldface perfume parapeteducable  
gradient breathypillage regress stickydeft  
malefactor officematemidrange
