[Acpc-l] Call for Participation: CASA 2004 Conference

Casa 2004 casa2004@miralab.unige.ch
Thu, 10 Jun 2004 13:44:37 +0200

[Apologies if you receive this CFP more than once]


Dates and Place: July 7-9, 2004 at Geneva, Switzerland
Conference Information: http://casa2004.miralab.unige.ch/

The COMPUTER GRAPHICS SOCIETY (CGS) is pleased to announce the COMPUTER
ANIMATION and SOCIAL AGENTS 2003 Conference to be held at University of
Geneva, Switzerland. MIRALab (http://www.miralab.ch) will organize this 17th
annual conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA2004) with
the support of IFIP WG5.10 (Computer Graphics and Virtual Worlds).

The CASA conference has been the most exciting place to meet researchers and
discuss advancement on Computer Animation and Social Agent technologies for
decades. This year, total 77 papers, which went through very high
competition on reviewing process, will be presented along with three
tutorials and a panel discussion in the area of (but not limited to);
- Animation with Emotion
- Autonomous Agents
- Social Agents
- Behavioral Animation
- Natural Phenomena
- Crowd Modeling
- Animating Deformable Objects
- Motion Control
- Virtual Reality

With all paper presentations, tutorials and panel discussions, CASA 2004
will elaborate discussions on the past, current and future of the computer
animation technologies and advances in the social agents.

For further information on program, venue and registration, please visit at;

Hope to meet you at CASA 2004, Geneva.

Sincerely yours,
CASA 2004 Local Committee