[Aec-friends] Computer Algebra: new course at the TU Vienna!

Carsten Schneider cschneid at risc.jku.at
Tue Apr 4 16:30:30 CEST 2017

Dear colleagues,

This summer semester there is a course
on "Computer Algebra" at the TU Vienna
- in English; for details see below.

For those interested in algorithmic methods:
strongly recommended!

The lecturer is Dr. Maximilian Jaroschek
who did his PhD with Manuel Kauers.

Maximilian told me that SFB colleagues
are very welcome; in particular, it is
perfectly fine with him if you will enter
the course now.

Best wishes,
Peter Paule

--- Announcement "COMPUTER ALGEBRA COURSE" ---

Lecturer: Dr. Maximilian Jaroschek

Location: TU Vienna

Course dates
Day     Time                  Location
Thu     16:00 - 17:30     Seminarraum von Neumann (Favoritenstr. 9-11)

Aim of course
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the concepts and most
important techniques in computer algebra and symbolic computation, in
particular conveying a fundamental understanding of non-linear
arithmetic and computational approaches to related problems.

Some of the covered topics are:
- A primer in algebra: What is an ideal? Why should I care about
quotient rings?
- (Fast) computations with univariate and multivariate polynomials.
- Modular arithmetic or how to avoid useless growth of intermediate results.
- Non-linear arithmetic: How to solve systems of non linear equations
and inequalities.
- Linear recurrence equations.

The lecture is a 3 ECTS / 2h VU. No prior knowledge in maths apart
from things that are usually covered in a Computer Science bachelor
curriculum is required.

Subject of course
Ideals, Gröbner bases, polynomial arithmetic, semi-algebraic sets and
cylindrical algebraic decomposition, algorithms for exact solutions of
linear recurrence equations and differential equations.

The course consists of a lecture part and an exercise part. The final
grade is determined by the exercises and an oral exam.

Ects Breakdown
28  h lectures
20  h lecture follow-up and further reading
14  h solving exercises
15  h preparation for oral exam
1 h exam
78 h = ca. 3 Ects

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