PPP2 driver interface_pp.c overhaul

Vyskocil Vladimir vyskocil@math.unice.fr
Tue, 31 Aug 1999 11:07:28 +0200

>On 30 Aug, Peter Pregler wrote:
>> Okay, here is the patch as promised. The patch is against the original
>> cpia-0.2. It is using a timer and not a task queue but who cares. I was
not able
>> to crash my machine anymore. So it might be stable.
>Has this changed anybody elses frame rate?  Mine dropped from 12 to 5.

I applied the first patch (interface_pp_overhaul.patch) to cpia-0.2 then I
the second patch (cpia-0.2-timer.patch), I hope I don't make mistakes
there were some rejected parts that I merged by hand. Here are some
observations :

* cpia-0.2 + interface_pp_overhaul.patch :

It works well, between 4 to 13fps in 352x288 but it take almost all the CPU
with wcIIcam0.1, in 176x144 it take only 30% of the cpu and it's smooth.

* cpia-0.2 + interface_pp_overhaul.patch + cpia-0.2-timer.patch :

There is a bug when client/main program start it say two times : line length
was not 1 but 0 after xxx/yyy bytes, after that it works but slowly, about
3-4 fps but it take between 7 to 50% cpu.
With wcIIcam0.1 it doesnt work with compression activated, it give the same
error as when client/main program start but all the time. When compression
is desactivated it works and it take about 30% cpu in 176x144.

There is also a bug in wcIIcam0.1 when I close it, it core dump, I just put
this line :


in function delete_event(...) at the top of file wcIIcam.c, I put it just
after the {.

wcIIcam is a nice program but it need multithreading the GUI...

Hope it helps.


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