CPiA driver v0.4.0 available

Jarl Totland Jarl.Totland@bdc.no
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 08:21:39 +0100

A major rewrite of the driver has taken place, courtesy of Scott Bertin.

These are the highlights: 
  - Completely restructured module to be more modular and integrate with
the kernel better. 
  - Reformated module code to follow kernel coding style. 
  - kernel patch 
  - new make targets: 
    + kernel will patch your kernel. WARNING this will overwrite the cpia.h
file needed by the current USB driver in the 2.3 kernels. 
    + unkernel will undo the changes made by the kernel target 
    + install will install the modules in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc 
  - /proc/cpia/camX interface 
  - removed old module and client] 
  - new color conversion code 
  - default sensorFPS to 15 instead of 30. This seems to work better with
indoor lighting. 
  - removed all mention of overlay support, it is not appropriate for this
camera. Video capture boards that capture directly to the framebuffer or do
overlaying themselves use this. 
  - completely nonfunctional USB driver :)

Very nice work, Scott.

You all know where to find it.

Jarl Totland


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