[cpia] Barbie Cam

Jeff Laing jeffl@SPATIALinfo.com
Fri, 14 Apr 2000 13:29:58 +1000

At the risk of being laughed at, has anyone managed to get anywhere with the
Barbie Cam?  I have read through the scicomms.doc and understand whats in
it.  However, there are a number of holes (big enough to push a truck

Specifically, does anyone know what baudrate, etc to talk to the camera?
And is there a state diagram available?  ie, up till now, when I talk to it
at 19200, 8N1, it seems to echo everything I send it exactly as-is.  I'm
assuming its in some sort of test mode, but even the SB_EXIT_SELFTEST
messages seems to get echoed back.

Failing that, does anyone know of any Windows 95 tools I can use to sniff
whats going down the comms port while the camera is active?  I'm despairing
of having to write a lot of software and needing to get multiple PC's

Any help is appreciated,

Jeff Laing <jeffl@spatialinfo.com>
"But when I am alone, I do not have the effrontery to consider myself an
at all, not in the grand old meaning of the word: Giotto, Titian, Rembrandt,
Goya were great painters.  I am only a public clown -- a mountebank. I have
understood my time and have exploited the imbecility, the vanity, the greed
my contemporaries. It is a bitter confession, this confession of mine, more
painful than it may seem. But at least and at last it does have the merit of
being honest."                                           -- Pablo Picasso