[cpia] Tunerless Cheetah Video Deamon

Bas Rijniersce bas@brijn.nu
Fri, 11 Aug 2000 17:28:52 +0200

"Sang Y. Yum" wrote:
> Could you mail me a copy if you have it? The file Eric sent me
> was corrupted for some reason.

My Cheetah2 file was also corrupted but all requered files where there.
I compiled it (just returned from a holiday, a bit late I know :) and
only get horizontal stripes (the colour seems OK, so it does get
something from the camera)
I also tried the cvd archive from the website, but that one segfaults
while getting an image.

My HW:
Dual Celeron 333 on Abit BP6
Linux 2.2.16

> Thanks.
> Sang

Bas Rijniersce                       Phone +31 30 6993131
Laan van Vollenhove 514              Fax +31 341 562511
3706 AA  Zeist                       http://www.brijn.nu
The Netherlands                      bas@brijn.nu