[cpia] cpia 1.0 bugreport

Gerard Saraber gerard@saraber.dhs.org
Wed, 14 Jun 2000 19:26:04 -0500

I've been playing with my noname usb webcam, works great with gqcam.. 
however "fame" (Fast Assembly Mpeg Encoder) deadlocks my box
I'm running the 2.3.99-pre9 with the cpia 1.0 drivers installed into the
source tree..
My system is a dual Celeron 433 (not overclocked) and i'm trying to run
fame 0.1.3 ( http://www-eleves.enst-bretagne.fr/~chappeli/fame/ )
looking through the fame sourcecode it has some defaults set, like grab
320x240 at 25 fps, changing those to what gqcam reports 352x288 at

i've put the output of /proc/cpia/video0 below, maybe it helps any..
I'd like to think i'm pretty good at C but I have no idea how to even
begin to debug this deadlock, not to mention it takes my system 15
minutes to startup and fix all the filesystem errors :-/

email me if you need more details..

Gerard Saraber