[cpia] cpia 1.0 bugreport

Johannes Erdfelt jerdfelt@sventech.com
Thu, 15 Jun 2000 02:41:46 -0400

On Thu, Jun 15, 2000, Arjan van de Ven <arjan@fenrus.demon.nl> wrote:
> In article <3948229C.4C4DD4CF@saraber.dhs.org> you wrote:
> > My system is a dual Celeron 433 (not overclocked) and i'm trying to run
> There are 2 bad pieces of code in this case. The CPIA one can be fixed
> with the patch below, the usb one is more tricky. Basically, the UHCI
> USB driver (the "backend" driver for your mobo) has some serious deadlocks
> on SMP systems. These are reported to Alan Cox and should appear on the 
> "todo" list really soon.

Seeing as I maintain one of the UHCI drivers, I'd be really interested
in finding some more information. I do some substantial testing on SMP
systems during my testing of the driver and I've fixed all of the bugs
I've run into. I haven't run into any problems recently.

Do you have any more information?