[cpia] CPIA 1.0 in 2.2.14 with USB 2.3.99-pre7 Backport 2.2.14problems

Jose Miguel Buenaposada Biencinto jmbuena@dia.fi.upm.es
Mon, 22 May 2000 13:59:33 +0200

Johannes Erdfelt wrote:

> >
> > [root@hal usb]# cat /proc/interrupts
> >            CPU0       CPU1
> >  11:          0          0    IO-APIC-edge  usb-uhci
> This is your problem. Interrupts are not getting delivered.
> Unfortunately this is not a USB or CPiA problem.
> There's a couple of things you may want to try:
> - Look in the BIOS for a "MPS Version" setting. Set it to the opposite

Yes, that's the rigth answer. I had set in the BIOS "SMP version 1.4" and I have
set it to 1.1. It is working now. I have 2.2.14 kernel version patched with
2.3.99-pre7-1 USB backport. But what I don't understand is, why it works
with "SMP version 1.4" and kernel 2.3.99 ? I now there is a lot of changes but ...

It's very nice when everything is working correctly. Thanks a lot for your help.
I love Linux ;):

[jmbuena@hal jmbuena]$ cat /proc/interrupts
           CPU0       CPU1
 11:       2194       2075   IO-APIC-level  usb-uhci

Jose Miguel Buenaposada Biencinto
Facultad de Informática                  | Computer Science School
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid  (UPM) | Madrid Tech. University.
Campus de Montegancedo s/n
28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid (ESPAÑA)| (SPAIN)
Voice    +34 91 336 69 47
e-mail:  jmbuena@dia.fi.upm.es
web   :  http://www.dia.fi.upm.es/~jmbuena