From Wed, 7 May 2003 06:26:35 +0200 Date: Wed, 7 May 2003 06:26:35 +0200 From: Jose Sanchez Subject: [cpia] Microtek eyestar parallel port Hi, I have an old webcam (Microtek eyestar )attached to the parallel port of my linux box (SUSE 8.1). Is it possible to use it, because I have never been able to use it. Does the new driver support it? I hope someone has an idea. Thanks Jose ____________________________________________________________________________ Fur 92 EUR mit Lufthansa quer durch Deutschland fliegen. Jetzt online den Fruhbucher-Tarif buchen unter From Wed, 07 May 2003 01:03:12 -0400 (EDT) Date: Wed, 07 May 2003 01:03:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Duncan Haldane Subject: [cpia] Microtek eyestar parallel port On 07-May-2003 Jose Sanchez wrote: > Hi, > > I have an old webcam (Microtek eyestar )attached to the parallel port of my > linux box (SUSE 8.1). Is it possible to use it, because I have never been > able to use it. Does the new driver support it? > > I hope someone has an idea. > > Thanks > If it is a cpia camera, it should work. The webpage only says the usb version of this camera has the CPiA chip. Maybe the parallel port version does too.(?) Here is how to check: -----look in /proc/sys/dev/parport----------- $ ls -R /proc/sys/dev/parport /proc/sys/dev/parport: default parport0 /proc/sys/dev/parport/default: spintime timeslice /proc/sys/dev/parport/parport0: autoprobe autoprobe1 autoprobe3 devices irq spintime autoprobe0 autoprobe2 base-addr dma modes /proc/sys/dev/parport/parport0/devices: active cpia_pp /proc/sys/dev/parport/parport0/devices/cpia_pp: timeslice ------------now look in autoprobe-------------- $ cat /proc/sys/dev/parport/parport0/autoprobe CLASS:MEDIA; MODEL:PPC2 Camera; MANUFACTURER:VLSI Vision Ltd; DESCRIPTION:Parallel Port Camera; COMMAND SET:CPIA_1-20; ------------------------------------------------ COMMAND SET: CPIA_1-20 shows a cpia parallel port webcam is present. If you have this, you can make the webcam work with the cpia_pp driver. If not, you can't. Good luck > Jose ---------------------------------- E-Mail: Duncan Haldane Date: 07-May-2003 Time: 00:50:49 This message was sent by XFMail ---------------------------------- From Thu May 22 03:09:29 2003 From: (Duncan Haldane) Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 22:09:29 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [cpia] Patch (2.5.69) to remove floating point use in cpia.c In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: This message is in MIME format --_=XFMail.1.5.4.Linux:20030521220929:2489=_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hi Alan, Gerd Knorr noticed a small use of floating point math in the cpia driver updates for 2.5.x I sent you a while ago, and this is not allowed in the kernel. This was in some code taken essentially verbatim from the Windows cpia driver released under the GPL by STM inc. that had been incorporated in the later versions of the cpia drivera sourceforge. It turns out that the use of floating point was quite inessential, and I've reimplemented the couple of lines of code involved in integer arithmetic. Patch against 2.5.69 attached. Regards, Duncan Haldane ------------------------------------------------- On 20-May-2003 Andrew Morton wrote: > Peter Pregler wrote: >> >> On Mon, 19 May 2003 12:56:43 +0200 >> Gerd Knorr wrote: >> >> > Hi, >> > >> > cpia driver does fp math in kernel (set_flicker function). That isn't >> > allowed, please fix. >> >> Someone has 'ported' a windows-driver functionality directly to the >> kernel. It is in our cvs-tree but not in the 2.4.x tree. Don't know who >> sent this upstreams for 2.5.x. Thanx for the info. >> > > That would be Alan, who on 28 Oct last year submitted "cpia update from > maintainer". > > Alan, it's using floating point in set_flicker(). The 2.4 version doesn't > seem to have FP in it. To whom do we talk? > > Thanks. ---------------------------------- E-Mail: Duncan Haldane Date: 21-May-2003 Time: 21:44:37 This message was sent by XFMail ---------------------------------- --_=XFMail.1.5.4.Linux:20030521220929:2489=_ Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="patch-2.5.69-cpia" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Description: patch-2.5.69-cpia Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=patch-2.5.69-cpia; SizeOnDisk=1140 ZGlmZiAtdU5yIGxpbnV4LTIuNS42OS9kcml2ZXJzL21lZGlhL3ZpZGVvL2NwaWEuYyBsaW51eC0y LjUuNjktY3BpYS9kcml2ZXJzL21lZGlhL3ZpZGVvL2NwaWEuYwotLS0gbGludXgtMi41LjY5L2Ry aXZlcnMvbWVkaWEvdmlkZW8vY3BpYS5jCVN1biBNYXkgIDQgMTk6NTM6MzUgMjAwMworKysgbGlu dXgtMi41LjY5LWNwaWEvZHJpdmVycy9tZWRpYS92aWRlby9jcGlhLmMJV2VkIE1heSAyMSAxODoy NjoyMiAyMDAzCkBAIC0yNDI5LDEwICsyNDI5LDIwIEBACiAjZGVmaW5lIEZJUk1XQVJFX1ZFUlNJ T04oeCx5KSAocGFyYW1zLT52ZXJzaW9uLmZpcm13YXJlVmVyc2lvbiA9PSAoeCkgJiYgXAogICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIHBhcmFtcy0+dmVyc2lvbi5maXJtd2FyZVJldmlz aW9uID09ICh5KSkKIC8qIGRlZmluZSBmb3IgY29tcGdhaW4gY2FsY3VsYXRpb24gKi8KKyNpZiAw CiAjZGVmaW5lIENPTVBHQUlOKGJhc2UsIGN1cmV4cCwgbmV3ZXhwKSBcCiAgICAgKHU4KSAoKCgo ZmxvYXQpIGJhc2UgLSAxMjguMCkgKiAoKGZsb2F0KSBjdXJleHAgLyAoZmxvYXQpIG5ld2V4cCkp ICsgMTI4LjUpCiAjZGVmaW5lIEVYUF9GUk9NX0NPTVAoYmFzZWNvbXAsIGN1cmNvbXAsIGN1cmV4 cCkgXAogICAgICh1MTYpKChmbG9hdCljdXJleHAgKiAoZmxvYXQpKHU4KShjdXJjb21wICsgMTI4 KSAvIChmbG9hdCkodTgpKGJhc2Vjb21wIC0gMTI4KSkKKyNlbHNlCisgIC8qIGVxdWl2YWxlbnQg ZnVuY3Rpb25zIHdpdGhvdXQgZmxvYXRpbmcgcG9pbnQgbWF0aCAqLworI2RlZmluZSBDT01QR0FJ TihiYXNlLCBjdXJleHAsIG5ld2V4cCkgXAorICAgICh1OCkoMTI4ICsgKCgodTMyKSgyKihiYXNl LTEyOCkqY3VyZXhwICsgbmV3ZXhwKSkgLyAoMiogbmV3ZXhwKSkgKQorI2RlZmluZSBFWFBfRlJP TV9DT01QKGJhc2Vjb21wLCBjdXJjb21wLCBjdXJleHApIFwKKyAgICAgKHUxNikoKCh1MzIpKGN1 cmV4cCAqICh1OCkoY3VyY29tcCArIDEyOCkpIC8gKHU4KShiYXNlY29tcCAtIDEyOCkpKQorI2Vu ZGlmCisKKyAKIAlpbnQgY3VycmVudGV4cCA9IHBhcmFtcy0+ZXhwb3N1cmUuY29hcnNlRXhwTG8g KwogCQkJIHBhcmFtcy0+ZXhwb3N1cmUuY29hcnNlRXhwSGkqMjU2OwogCWludCBzdGFydGV4cDsK --_=XFMail.1.5.4.Linux:20030521220929:2489=_-- End of MIME message