[Publicity] Deadline extension: JSC - SCSS special issue

JKU Linz - RISC Office secretary at risc.jku.at
Tue Jan 7 14:01:24 CET 2014

Deadline extension

Special issue of the




Paper submission: January 31, 2014 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: April 25, 2014 (extended)
Publication: Second half of 2014

Symbolic Computation is the science of computing with symbolic objects 
(terms, formulae, programs, representations of algebraic objects etc..). 
Powerful symbolic algorithms and methods have been developed during the 
past decades like computer algebra, theorem proving, automated 
reasoning, software verification, model checking, rewriting, 
formalization of mathematics, Groebner bases, characteristic sets, 
telescoping for recurrence relations, cylindric algebraic decomposition 
and other quantifier elimination techniques, etc.

The purpose of this special issue is to promote research on theoretical 
and practical aspects of symbolic computation in software science. The 
special issue is related to the topics of the International Symposiums 
on Symbolic Computation in Software Science - SCSS 2013 and SCSS 2012. 
It will be published by Elsevier within the Journal of Symbolic Computation.

Participants of the SCSS 2013 and SCSS 2012 symposiums, as well as other 
authors are invited to submit contributions.

This special issue focuses on advanced symbolic computation techniques 
for algorithm and software testing, property analysis, termination, 
verification, induction assertion generation, synthesis, systematic 
generation from components, equivalent transformation, library build-up. 
Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

- automated synthesis of algorithms by symbolic computation
- automated generation of verification conditions of programs by 
algebraic methods
- automated generation of inductive program properties
- analysis of algorithm complexity and program termination by algebraic 
- algebraic reasoning for computational origami
- efficient decision procedures for hybrid systems
- synthesis of numerical algorithms by algebraic methods
- symbolic model checking
- business process representations and analysis by symbolic methods
- symbolic preprocessing of numerical algorithms
- symbolic techniques for debugging and testing
- formalization and computerization of knowledge (maths, medicine, 
economy, etc.)
- rewriting algorithms
- component-based programming by algebraic methods
- query languages (in particular for XML documents)
- symbolic methods for the semantic web, cloud computing and big data


This special issue welcomes original high-quality contributions that 
have been neither published in nor simultaneously submitted to any 
journals or refereed conferences. Submissions will be peer-reviewed 
using the standard refereeing procedure of the Journal of Symbolic 

Authors of papers presented at the SCSS 2013 and SCSS 2012 symposiums 
are welcome and encouraged to submit extended and revised versions of 
their papers. Furthermore, submissions of papers that are in the scope 
of SCSS, but did not appear in SCSS 2013 and SCSS 2012 are welcome as well.

Submitted papers must be in English and include a well written 
introduction addressing the following questions in succinct and informal 

  - What is the problem?
  - Why is the problem important?
  - What has been done so far on the problem?
  - What is the main contribution of the paper on the problem?
  - What aspect of symbolic computation helps solving the problem?
  - Is the contribution original? Explain why.
  - Is the contribution non-trivial? Explain why.

All the main definitions, theorems and algorithms should be illustrated 
by simple but meaningful examples.


Please prepare your submission in LaTeX using the JSC document format from:
(link to the submission template:

Submission is via the EasyChair submission site at:

Adel Bouhoula (Higher School of Communications of Tunis, Tunisia)
Bruno Buchberger (RISC, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)
Laura Kovacs (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Temur Kutsia (RISC, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)

Laura Kovacs <laura.kovacs at chalmers.se>
Temur Kutsia <kutsia at risc.jku.at>

Apologies for multiple copies.

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Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC),
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