Talk by Stan Jarzabeck, Dec. 1, 10.00 - 11.30 (s.t.)

Mehdi Jazayeri
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 10:36:48 +0100

Architectural support for system families

     Stan Jarzabeck

     National University of Singapore=20

     Tuesday, Dec 1, 1998, 10.00am s.t.
     Information Systems Institute, Library, Argentinierstra=DFe 8, 3rd=


     In this talk, I will focus on problems in the design of generic
architectures for system families and solutions to
     some of the problems. I will start by reviewing approaches to handling
software system families such as
     parameterized off-the-shelf packages, domain-specific software
architecture (DSSA) approach, OO
     frameworks, pre-processing and table-driven techniques. Then, I will
discuss advantages of handling a
     system family at the domain model and generic architecture levels. I
will describe domain modeling
     techniques for expressing variations in software requirements across
family members. We developed and
     applied these techniques in our domain engineering project on Facility
Reservation Systems (FRS). I will also
     describe software engineering techniques that we used to design a
generic software architecture for an FRS
     family. I will focus on how a domain model and other supporting
structures can aid programmers in
     customizing a generic architecture to meet specific requirements for a
system to be implemented. Finally, I
     will discuss the relationship between platforms for component-based
software engineering and generic
     architectures for system families. The last mentioned issue leads to a
number of interesting open problems
     such as:=20

        1.what criteria should we use to identify components is generic
architectures and in software systems, in
          general?=20 components (i.e., those that can be customized at
source code level during program
          construction) versus executable components=20 what ways can component platforms help us build flexible and
generic software systems?=20


     I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science,
School of Computing, National
     University of Singapore. I received Master and Ph.D. degrees from the
Warsaw University. I am interested in
     both technical and business aspects of software engineering, in
particular in software reuse (domain analysis
     and design of generic software architectures), component-based
software engineering, static program analysis
     methods and tools, re-engineering, reverse engineering and business
modeling. I am also interested in
     compiler-compilers, incremental attribute evaluators, programming
environments and design of software
     tools. I joined NUS in 1992. In 1990-92, he was a Research Manager of
the CSA Research Pte. Ltd. (a company
     developing CASE tools), responsible for developing a reverse
engineering programme. In 1984-89, he was an
     Assistant Professor at the McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada,
doing research on software engineering. I
     consulted for software companies on software tools and C++ and
conducted tutorials for industry on software
     re-engineering, reuse, CASE and reverse engineering.=20

          Prof. Stan Jarzabeck

     Information Systems Institute, TU Vienna
     Distributed Systems Department
     Argentinierstrasse 8/184-1, A-1040 Vienna=20

     Phone: +43 (1) 58801x18410 (18402 secretary)
     Fax: +43 (1) 505 84 53