[cpia] Barbie Cam App available

Eric Brombaugh emeb@goodnet.com
Sat, 12 Aug 2000 22:42:01 -0700

Greetings List!

I've been playing with the Mattel Camera for the last few weeks and I
have a simple Linux application available for those who are interested.
Check my website for the tarball:


The application requires only that you have a free serial port and
libjpeg.  It captures a single image, demosaics it, applies black level
correction and unsharp masking and saves the result as a JPEG with
selectable quality.  I've had it up and running as a webcam for a few
days now and it seems pretty reliable.

Future improvements include other image formats, scaling and perhaps
improved demosaic techniques.

I'd be interested in any comments, improvements or corrections you may
have to suggest.

