[cpia] data read error

Gabe Sibley gsibley@emory.edu
Sat, 08 Jul 2000 23:06:02 -0400

Hi all, I am having trouble getting my usb WonderEye cameras to work.
When I try to read from /dev/video I get EIO.
here is a snippet from dmesg:

cpia_usb.c(1339374):cpia_usb_streamRead(389):Something went wrong!
cpia.c(1339374):fetch_frame(2535):streamRead failed: -1
cpia.c(1339374):cpia_read(2971):upload failed 0/0
cpia.c(1339375):goto_low_power(2645):camera now in LOW power state

Please let me know if anyone knows whar my problem is or has any ideas.

Thanks a lot, Gabe