[cpia] Anybody have a clue?

Jack Diederich jack_diederich@email.com
Fri, 7 Jul 2000 14:52:13 -0400 (EDT)

give gqcam a try, it should compile w/o having to do all the xawtv config stuff.  Search on freshmeat or click here

It is a straight forward proggie (no mmap or anything fancy) so if that doesn't work, make sure debugging messages are on in the cpia driver, and post the output to this list.


------Original Message------
From: "C. Bradford" <csb@psouth.net>
To: cpia@risc.uni-linz.ac.at
Sent: July 7, 2000 3:09:47 AM GMT
Subject: [cpia] Anybody have a clue?

Hi everyone --

I've been screwing around with the cpia drivers for at least 2 months
now trying to get the stuff to work.  I can't get it to work for the
life of me!!

Currentl, I've got a fresh 2.2.16 kernel with the latest usb-backport
drivers  (OHCI - SIS chipset), and the cpia 1.0 drivers.  I have an
ezonics ezcam usb.  Everything compiles and loads OK and the camera is

Thats the point that I keep getting stumped!  Whats a good simple
program to test the camera?  I've tried a bunch of different ones...
I currently have the latest xawtv installed, but it's crap and doesn't

incidently, in my dmesg, I keep getting 'cpia data error' messages
whenever I try a framegrab with xawtv....

I have a /dev/video0 device and a symlink from /dev/video to
dev/video0... what else am I missing?  I'm starting to think that I'm
missing something really really really simple and basic.. one of those
things nobody documents because it's expected knowledge.

ANYBODY HAVE A CLUE?  I really want this thing to work.. I know it can
work because I hear about people using the damn cpia-usb cameras every
day.  What the hell am I missing?

--Christopher Bradford

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