[cpia] 3Com Homeconnect USB support...

Peter Pregler Peter_Pregler@email.com
Mon, 17 Jul 2000 10:44:47 +0200

On Sun, Jul 16, 2000 at 02:37:09PM +0200, ANOQ of the Sun wrote:
> I've got a 3Com Homeconnect USB webcam. I tried
> building kernel 2.3.99pre9 and to patch it with
> CPiA 1.1. There was a lot of things during the
> kernel installation I had to do manually
> (and I don't even think that it's all 100%
> correct yet). But is the 3Com Homeconnect USB
> webcam supported in the first place?

This seems to be a FAQ. If I understand the USB-stuff all one has to
do is connect the camera to the USB-bus, boot linux with the core USB-
support and check the Vendor/Product-Id in /proc. After that a short
browsing of www.linux-usb-org should list you the necessary driver. As
for this list which is about CPiA based cameras the correct IDs are:

VendorId:  0553
ProductId: 0002

Also the Intel Play QX3 Microscope is supported:

VendorId:  0813
ProductId: 0001


I will not waste chalk. --Bart Simpson at the blackboard
Email: Peter_Pregler@email.com
WWW:   http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/people/ppregler
ICQ:   61011460