[cpia] DMA & CPia parallel port

Jose Miguel Buenaposada Biencinto jmbuena@dia.fi.upm.es
Fri, 28 Jul 2000 11:01:12 +0200

Hi again !

Now I have purchase a Zoom Cam parallel port version. I want to
use it in a P133 with kernel 2.2.14 & CPia driver version 1.1. My
parallel port is ECP/EPP. And I have some problems/questions:

- How can I active the DMA with the CPia driver ?
     + I load parport_pc with parameters: io=0x378 dma=3 irq=7 and I'm
         sure all are free (looking in /proc/dma and /proc/irq).
     + Cpia driver is compiled with support DMA options but when I run
         gqcam the window is white only two!!! parport interrupts are
processed and
        there is one kernel message: "Clearing stall" that cames from
        driver function clear_stall.

- If I load the parport_pc module without parameters the CPIA driver use
    mode, so I only can get 2 frames per second :-(. And only at a
    of 352x288 with is to large. If I try with QCIF I get a read error
and the program
    aborts. But the interesting thing here is that the Windows Cpia
driver is working
    with QCIF size at an acceptable frame rate (I think not in
DMA mode).

   Can you help me to get an aceptable frame rate or a QCIF resollution.
I can not
   figure out what to do.

   Thanks a lot in advance.

Jose Miguel Buenaposada Biencinto
Facultad de Informática                  | Computer Science School
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid  (UPM) | Madrid Tech. University.
Campus de Montegancedo s/n
28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid (ESPAÑA)| (SPAIN)
Voice    +34 91 336 69 47
e-mail:  jmbuena@dia.fi.upm.es
web   :  http://www.dia.fi.upm.es/~jmbuena