[cpia] cpia data error?

Christopher Bradford chrisb@network-systems.com
Fri, 19 May 2000 09:33:37 -0400

Hi everyone -

I'm running a 2.2.14 kernel with the 2.3.xx backport usb drivers... I've
also compiled the cpia1.0 drivers for usb... everything loads ok and the
camera is detected... However, when I try to grab frames from the camera,
dmesg is full of the following lines:

cpia data error: [7] len=0, status=FFFFFFEE
cpia_usb.c(3601576):cpia_usb_complete(147):Ignoring packet!
cpia_usb.c(3601576):cpia_usb_complete(147):Ignoring packet!
cpia_usb.c(3601576):cpia_usb_streamRead(385):Something went wrong!
cpia.c(3601576):fetch_frame(2535):streamRead failed: -1
cpia data error: [0] len=0, status=FFFFFFEE
cpia data error: [2] len=0, status=FFFFFFEE
cpia data error: [4] len=0, status=FFFFFFEE
cpia data error: [6] len=0, status=FFFFFFEE
cpia data error: [8] len=0, status=FFFFFFEE
cpia.c(3601578):goto_low_power(2645):camera now in LOW power state

I'm also using someof the xawtv 3.14 utilites to try and grab frames, which
fails.. I'm assuming it fails because of the above messages.  However,
perhaps the above messages are caused by xawtv?  Doesn't seem likely...
anybody have any ideas what causes the above errors?  Also, what is a good
framegrabbing utility that is known to work?


--Chris Bradford