[cpia] [PATCH] Devices do not get de-registered on module removal

Nick Holloway Nick.Holloway@pyrites.org.uk
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 20:32:42 +0100

On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 03:01:00AM -0400, Duncan Haldane wrote:
> Are there any advantages to Nick's
> fix that I havent appreciated? (see his patch posted in August).

I could see that one way to fix it was to add the extra level of
indirection as you've done in your patch.

However, rather than than having yet another implementation of
doubly-linked lists in the kernel source, I thought it would be better
to use the existing implementation provided by <linux/list.h>.

I would say the only advantage is that there is a little bit less code
to be maintained by cpia.  On the other hand, I don't see any advantage
in cpia keeping its own private list implementation.

 `O O'  | Nick.Holloway@pyrites.org.uk
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