[cpia] Trust SpyC@m 100

Steve Miller steve.miller@st.com
Mon, 06 Jan 2003 10:40:48 -0700

neonatus@neonatus.net wrote:
> Hi!
> I have seen a reference to your project page on for the webcam mentioned
> in the subject (http://alpha.dyndns.org/ov511/cameras.html#chipsets),
> they claim that Trust SpyC@m 100 has is supported under cpia driver, but
> I can't make it work, no device is recognized when the module is
> inserted and the usb cable is plugged in. The camera itself does make a
> beeping sound aknowledging the power from the cable.
> Can anyone please help me to make this cam work somehow, or at least
> point me in the right direction to the right drivers/chipset.
> Regards/Lep pozdrav
> Bo¹tjan Müller


Please look at /var/log/messages and post the vendor amd product ids 
that should appear when the device enumerates (which should happen as 
soon as you plug it in). If they are not 0x553/0x2 it is probably not a 
cpia camera. If you can look inside without breaking it, post the part 
number of the chip.  ST asics will start with "stv". If I remember 
correctly, cpia is an stv673. Keep in mind that it is not unusual for 
oems to change chipsets without changing their part numbers. This causes 
a lot of confusion, but they don't seem to mind.


Steve Miller
Software Engineer
phone (602) 485-2014